
How to be successful at anything…

Website DIVISIONS(Over 600 articles to help you to grow in every facet of your life)

Written by Jimmie Burroughs Email this article to a friend

There is a story in the New Testament that closely relates to how to be successful at anything. The occasion took place on an early morning on the Sea of Galilee. The Apostle Peter had been fishing all night and hadn’t caught anything, and Jesus told him to launch out and cast out his nets. Peter was an experienced fisherman who apparently knew his trade and Jesus was a carpenter. It would have been easy for Peter to have said, “Nah, I know how to fish; after all I’m a fisherman and you are a carpenter.”

Peter didn’t do that; out of respect for the Master, he did as Jesus suggested and launched out into the deep and cast out his nets, and the load of fish was so great it broke his nets. The application is that unless a person is ready for a change and is willing to change, it’s likely that the results are going to continue as they are. You probably heard the saying   “You can’t continue doing the same things over and over and expect a different result.”

If we stay right where we are, no change is required and there are no risks but neither are there any rewards. There has to be changes if we expect a different outcome. As long as we stay in the shallow water, nothing is expected and everything is business as usual, but change takes us into deep waters, perhaps where we have not gone before. This is where the fish are, so to speak, and if it is fish or success that we want, we have to go where the fish or success are.

If we want success, we must be willing to go where success is. My friend, success is not likely to come to you while you are lying on the couch watching your favorite TV show and tap you on the shoulder and say follow me. Successful people search for success and go wherever required to find it. They are not afraid to give things a chance, they are not afraid to launch out into the deep even into uncharted waters. They are not afraid to change.

Change is the one thing that most hate to do. To get out of one’s comfort zone is the most difficult thing in life. People have a tendency to do exactly the same things each day. No wonder the routine that most go through each day becomes so boring and mundane. They passively watch other’s adventures in life on TV as their own life ebbs away, wondering why they can’t have those kinds of experiences. It is because they insist on staying in the shallow water, because they are afraid to launch out into the deeper waters where they haven’t been before.

If you are reading this article, it is a good sign because you are at least searching. You had to do something different to get here. If you had the opportunity to do something different that had opportunity attached to it but at the same time it required you to change and do things you have never done before, would you be willing? If you are like most, I can tell you the answer, you are not! You will continue to do the same old things over and over expecting a miracle to happen and suddenly you wake one morning to find yourself rich and successful. Learn new things, do new things, take a little risk and get out of your comfort zone. That is where success is to be found.

Many have their hope in the lottery and keep investing every spare nickel into it, hoping that one day their name will be called and they will finally realize their dreams. I don’t spend a dime on the lottery and have about the same chance of winning as you do if you play the lottery. Did you know that most who do win the lottery are right back where they started in a few years, broke! Do you know why? Because they didn’t have the expertise to earn it in the first place and they don’t have the expertise to keep it either.

If you want to continue to be broke and unsuccessful, if you are, just stay where you are in the shallow water where no change is required, but if you are ready to find success, launch out into the deep and make changes.

There will be more millionaires made on the Internet in the next 10 years than all other things combined. You have at your finger tips the way to be a part of it, but if you are not willing to launch out and learn what is necessary and make the changes required, it will do you absolutely no good at all. I hope that you caught what I just said; knowledge is the key, learning what is necessary and then doing it. That is the key to how to be successful at anything. Those who gain it and use it will be the next millionaires. Let me add that being a millionaire isn’t necessary to be successful in life. Being successful is more about being useful and needed.

Jimmie-on-HOG-240x300About the author: Jimmie Burroughs is a motivational speaker and author who’s been involved in teaching Christian Personal Development for more than 30 years. He is a dedicated believer in Jesus Christ and considers helping others his calling in life. His websites contains over 600 articles on preparing yourself for success and better living through personal development.

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