
Why Am I here?

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Written by Jimmie Burroughs –  Email this article to a friend

Understanding your purpose on earth

The fundamental question of life is “Why am I here,” but it is not the first question that needs an answer. We must first answer the question “Is there a God?” The way we answer that question will determine if the first question is really needed.

There are only two worldviews: The atheistic and the Theistic. The atheistic worldview denies that there is a God, therefore, has only one alternative and that is to believe in evolution as the answer to why we are here. Evolution makes no sense at all, and no one would give a second’s notice to it if there were any other alternative other than believing in God. According to evolution, everything is an accident…nothing + nothing = everything; there is no purpose, no reason, and no absolutes. There are no morals, just choices. Nothing really matters, and life is utterly meaningless. If there is no creator, then there is nothingness and absolutely no hope. That being the case; the first question matters little; “Why am I here”. There is no reason why you are here. You are just an accident that came from nothing; you are nothing, and you are going nowhere but into the ground, like a shooting star that is visible briefly before it dies and is gone forever.

The Theistic Worldview has a different take as to the question “Why am I here?” God does exist, and he created you for a particular purpose. We are to be governed by his laws. What he says is absolute and can never be wrong. He has given us free will to decide for ourselves what we accept and what we believe, but we will be held accountable before him one day to give an answer as to our beliefs and actions. We may reject even His existence while we are here on earth, but one day, according to Scripture, every knee will bow and ever tongue will confess him as God.

Terms like morality, justice and purpose have no absolute meaning for the evolutionist and are just abstract notions, but God instituted purpose and morality and when all is finished, he will see that justice is carried out. He made you and placed you on this earth to fulfill his purpose. When you know him in the fullness of his truth, you will be able to answer the question “Why am I here?”

Sometimes believers are referred to as being people of faith, but I tell you it takes far more faith to believe in evolution, which is a theory unfounded and unscientific. The only way to understand why someone would believe the lie of evolution is that it is the only other thing to place faith in, if God is rejected. How sad is that?

I know why I am here and you can also by placing your faith in God. He is the only one that makes sense of this world and this life. He is the only way we will every have peace on this earth, and he is the only way we can be assured of eternal life in heaven after we die. Learn how you can have a connection with God.

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Jimmie-on-HOG-240x300About the author: Jimmie Burroughs is a motivational speaker and author who’s been involved in teaching Christian Personal Development for more than 30 years. He is a dedicated believer in Jesus Christ and considers helping others his calling in life. His websites contains over 600 articles on preparing yourself for success and better living through personal development.

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