
Integrity is the Glue of Personal Development

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Written by Jimmie Burroughs Email this article to a friend

Ironically some think that they are doing themselves well by their dishonesty while in truth they are creating flaws in the structure of their life that will ultimately bring it crashing down. We all have experienced the hurt and loss caused by those who are dishonest. My losses include thousands of dollars, the loss friendship of those who I would rather be my friends and the hurt inside of their ruthless unconcern for me as a friend and fellow human being.

Recently I decided to delete a mailing list of over 12,000 that I had built over time because it had so many bogus email addresses. People lied in order to receive a gift from me that cost me thousands in labor and expenses. It taught me a valuable lesson; I’d rather have 10 honest people on my mailing list than thousands who are dishonest.

I hold no bitterness for those who have wronged me because that would only bring additional harm. And also I need not because all that has been taken from me through the dishonesty of others has been replaced and even more because on my own integrity.

Dr. Willian Menninger said, “Integrity is one of the six essential virtues that lead to success.” The entire list of six is: integrity, sincerity, humility, courtesy, wisdom and love.

However, it is integrity that holds the list together; without it the rest would be vain. Integrity is not only the glue that holds personal development together it also holds the pieces of your life together. Without it life takes on a meaningless of its own. Just like structural engineering holds the building together so does integrity holds your life together.

It may seem insignificant to tell a lie now in then but each time it adds another crack in the integrity of your life until finally there are so many cracks and flaws that your whole life is unstable and prone to collapse.

A lie is much more than just an untruth. It is stamped on your subconscious mind and creates distrust within that is hard to rectify. It hampers the integrity of the body soul and spirit combined to reach your highest aspirations. By lying to youself, you not only don’t trust yourself but also you doubt others. If you are not willing to catch the lies in your life and make the changes necessary, they will devour you in time like a hungry Lion.

The cornerstone of every marriage is integrity. When there is no integrity in a marriage it usually comes to an end but where there is integrity, trust, love and confidence grows. There is an old movie “Hope Floats” that begins with a scene on one of those outlandish TV shows where the pain of others becomes the entertainment for the rest. The scene begins with a woman confessing that she is having a relationship with her best friend’s husband. The friend is brought out under the false guise that she is there for a free makeover and then the husband also is brought out and the bomb is dropped on national television. The irony of it all is the woman still wants to be best friends even if she is sleeping with her friend’s husband. She thinks it is alright because they have fallen in love with each other.

The result was a lot of pain for the wife and her little daughter. But then dishonesty is not concerned about the pain it causes others only what it may gain for itself. But the fact still remains that payday will come for those who lack integrity. It may be slow in coming but it will come.

It is amazing that in real life that Sandra Bullock, the victim of a dishonest husband in the movie, also had to suffer the same pain due to a cheating dishonest husband. Sandra goes on as America’s sweetheart while the cheater has lost his respect as far as I’m concerned. Who could really trust the guy again? Will some other woman want the same treatment?

Here’s an example of what integrity means: After the Civil War General Robert E. Lee was offered $10,000 a year to be the president of an insurance company just for his name’s sake only; he would have to do nothing in return. In today’s dollars that would amount to $200,000 a year. General Lee replied, “Excuse me, sir; I cannot consent to receive pay for services I do not render.” Too bad more of the Internet Gurus don’t have that same integrity or just people in general as matter of fact.

I think it also needs to be clarified as to what Integrity isn’t. It isn’t always telling others what you think under the guise of being honest. It has truthfully been said that if you always say what you think to others, you will wind up with no friends. Integrity is a noble virtue that means no harm to anyone. Its purpose is never to say hurtful things regardless how honest they are.


I have my flaws just like we all do but dishonesty is not one of them. I sleep well at night knowing I haven’t caused another human being additional pain because of my own lack of integrity. It is a peaceful feeling when you care for others and refuse to bring addition pain into their already painful life. Someone said the dog is the only thing that loves another more than he loves himself. I agree I think a dog does love that much but I also believe it is within the capacity of humans to also have that kind of love for others. I think it is proven on the battlefield every day.

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