
The World is Trying to Get to You . . .

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Written by Jimmie Burroughs Email this article to a friend

The whole world is trying to get to you one way or the other with its untruths and weird beliefs; so, will you be taken in, or will you discover the real truth?  In 2012, two of the top articles in their category, as determined by Google, had messages that were opposite. One spoke of a mass paradigm shift, in or around 2012 going forward, that would give folks a chance to choose their destiny between that which is good and which is bad. The premise was that enough choose the right way to usher in a new world. This speculation was based on a metaphysical article written by a PhD in metaphysics. The other article talked about the Mayan prediction of the end of the world in 2012. What are we to believe?

Obviously, the world didn’t end in 2012, and apparently, the other prediction shows no signs of coming true either. To believe that there is going to be “an occurrence of mass awakening all at once in the human race” is highly unlikely, considering the decades of a moral downward spiral in the world. The Bible teaches just the opposite. According to the Bible, this world is on a collision course with the judgment of God. That judgment is predicted and outlined in the Book of Revelation, which also predicts the end of the world but doesn’t give a specific date. Outside the Bible, to believe some ancient prediction that the world is going to end on some future date is no more rational than believing all the other ends of the world predictions, which have come and gone.

I do not claim to know what will happen in the future other than that which is foretold in Scripture. However, one thing is for sure: no doubt, we will be facing challenges and some could be different from anything we have known in the past. Some believe that our federal government is on the verge of collapse because of the huge national debt. If that were to happen, then the economy as well as the monetary system would follow suit. This would usher in unprecedented changes in how we live, and reduce this country from its present super power status to that of a third world country. There is no way to know if that will really happen until it does, if it does. I hope that there will be solutions put in place before anything on a full-scale collapse could occur.

It is for sure that there will continue to be war and violence across the world. The world will continue to use up all the natural resources available, with greed being the driving force. People will continue searching for anything that gives a reasonable answer to what life is all about. The evolutionist will continue to say that there is no meaning or absolute truth, and many people will be deceived and believe any new thing that comes along.

Truly the world could end at any time, but certainly not because the ancient Mayans or anyone else predicts it. Only he who created heaven and earth knows when the end of the world will come. Jesus said, “But of that day and hour knows no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only,” Matthew 24:36.

Is there a reliable answer, in this world of confusing and conflicting predictions? Alternatively, must we continue to grope in darkness like a bunch of blind men trying to examine the noonday sun with a lightening bug? It seems the more ridiculous the claim is today, the more believers it garners.

The facts, according to the only book of true predictions, which has never been wrong, the Bible, the world will pass away and the heavens also, and God will bring about a new heaven and a new earth, Revelation 21:1. It is true that there is going to be a massive change take place in the future, but it is not going to be a mass paradigm shift to love and goodness, it is going to be the judgment of God on a wicked world,  perhaps this year, but no one but God knows when. We do have a choice today as to which side we are going to be on that has nothing to do with metaphysics. It is a matter of whether we choose to believe God or man.

As the world continues to reject God and manufacture its own answers to all of life, God continues to give man a chance to turn to him for the truth. It is so strange how the atheists can get a thimble full of knowledge and deduct from it that there is no God; there are mountains of knowledge that they do not have a clue about. Could it be that out there somewhere in all that knowledge is the knowledge of God? The atheist way of thinking compares to the message of the first Russian cosmonaut in space. He announced that he could see no God. He had jumped only a tiny hop into space and couldn’t see God? How absurd, in a universe measured by light years.

So what is the truth? The only reliable source for truth is the Word of God, always has been and always will be. How can one know that the Bible can be trusted? The Bible can be trusted because no one has ever proven it to be wrong scientifically, historically or any other way. Read my articles on “Why I know the Bible is true”.

The Bible is very clear on whether we can know the truth. It says, “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free,” John 8:32. The world is trying to get to you, to pull you into believing a lie. Believing a lie is a dangerous thing. It can steer you away from God and his gift of eternal life. Satan uses deceptive means to trick those gullible enough to believe. In fact, the Scripture says Satan is so subtle that even the elect of God are close to being deceived.

In the world, there are some attractive assertions that seem to make sense, but the Bible says, “There is a way which seems right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death,” Proverbs 14:12. False religions and dogma have been around since the beginning of time, and many have been deceived and have lost their eternal soul.

Today you can know the truth. Do you have a desire in your heart to know God and to discover the real truth through his Word? In this world that is trying to get to you, with all its false promises and untrue predictions and proclamations, you can discover the truth. Take the time now and find out how to become a Christian and know God and the freedom of his truth. There is only one-way: Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life and no man comes to the Father but by me,” John 14:6.

Jimmie-on-HOG-240x300About the author: Jimmie Burroughs is a motivational speaker and author who have been involved in teaching Christian Personal Development for more than 30 years. He is a dedicated believer in Jesus Christ and considers helping others his calling in life. His website contains over 600 articles on preparing yourself for success through personal development and the things that accompany personal development.

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