
Has Science Proved that the Bible is Untrue?

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Written by Jimmie Burroughs Email this article to a friend

                                                   Part-2-The Scientific accuracy of the Bible

Written by Jimmie Burroughs

I was at Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts last summer sitting on a bench on the boardwalk, which ran along the Atlantic Ocean. Plymouth Harbor was before me. A full size replica of the Pinta Maria was docked to my right. I could imagine those early pilgrims as they sailed into the harbor and stepped onto the shore in the new world for the first time. They had risked their lives to come here so they could have the freedom to worship God of the Holy Bible.

As I sat there deep in my thoughts, a young man approached me and asked me a question concerning my little white West Highland Terrier, who accompanies me everywhere. After we talked for a while, I asked him if he had a relationship with God. He said, “OH, I don’t believe that anymore because science has proven beyond a shadow of doubt that the Bible is untrue.”

I knew it would be a waste of my time to argue the point with this man, so instead I gave him one of my business cards with a gospel presentation on it and said goodbye.

To use science as an excuse not to believe the word of God would require a person to know both science and the Bible, and the fact is that most of those who use that excuse probably do not know either. Once there was an atheist, who knew science, who sat out to prove that the Bible was untrue. He began to read and study the Bible and instead of proving the Bible untrue, his attitude changed with his newfound knowledge and he became a believer, a true story.

The primary difference in the books of science and the books of the Bible is that science is ever changing, and the Bible is always the same, the same yesterday, today and forever. There’s a half mile of science books in the Luve, that a great museum in Paris, France, but all of them are of no use today because they are outdated. They were the science of yesterday, knowledge that has been replaced with the new knowledge of the age. To depend on them would be kind of like your doctor telling you that you needed surgery and that they would be using an old outdated type of surgery. You would get out of there as fast as you could and find a doctor who used the latest medical science.

In 1981, the French Academy of Science published a list of 51 incontrovertible reasons why the Bible was not the word of God, and it looked bad for the Bible for a while, but the truth is that the today not one reputable scientist believes any of their 51 reasons.

Over the years, science has made some amazing claims that were supposed to be the accepted science of their day. For example, the ancient Egyptians believed that the earth was supported by five great pillars because it was not scientific in those days to believe that anything could remain suspended without some sort of support. The idea apparently came from the central support for the great architectural buildings that they built using huge pillars. Therefore, they assumed that pillars were needed to support the earth. They did not mention what the pillars sat on.

The wise ancient Greeks believed that the earth was sitting on the back of a giant named Atlas, and we still see that image from time of the earth sitting up there on the shoulders of Atlas.

The Hindus also had their scientific theory: they believed that the earth was sitting on the back of a huge elephant. Someone said, “What is the elephant standing on?” Oh, he is on the back of a huge coiled serpent and on and on they went. Of course, we know today that none of that is true. From the oldest book of the Bible, the book of Job, we read, “He hangeth the earth upon nothing…” Job 26:7. How did Job know that? The Holy Spirit of God told him long before science knew it for a fact.

We take it for granted today that the earth is round. Men did not always believe the world was round; in fact, in the 1400s, in the day of Christopher Columbus, the Science of that day was that the world was flat. There is a story that Columbus watched the ships come into the harbor, and he noticed that he could only see the top of their mast at first, then as the ship grew closer it seemed just to raise up out of the water as if it were coming over the hill. From that, Columbus assumed the world must be round. I have a feeling that he may also have known what the Bible says about the earth. Isaiah writing hundreds of years before Jesus was born wrote by the inspiration of God ( Isaiah 40:22), “He sitteth on the circle of the earth” and the word circle in Hebrew is not a flat geometrical circle like you have in plain Geometry but a sphere or globe. Isaiah said the earth was round. How did job and Isaiah know these things? Only God could have known and told them.

You and I know today that no one can count the stars, but men did not always know that. Hipparchus 150 BC counted the stars and then announced that there were 2022 stars. This stood as science for 250 years until another man whose name was Ptolemy, who counted the stars and said, “You mean old Hipparchus said there are 2022 stars” and he laughed and said, “There are 2026.” Now science was updated, and it lasted until a young man by the name of Galileo came along and invented a crude telescope. When he aimed it at the heavens, he gasped, for there were stars beyond what the naked eye could see, and then more stars. Now with the Hubble telescope, astronomers can see no end to the stars; they seem to stretch out to infinity.

We know today that there are more than 12 octillion stars. Just how many is that? There are more stars than there are grains of sand on all the seashores in the all the world, and if you think you can count the stars, just go down to Daytona Beach where I was recently and start counting the grains of sand.

I do not know where Hipparchus or Ptolemy lived, but it was not Cedar Key, Florida. I was there not too long ago. Cedar Key is considered the darkest place in the United States because it is so isolated from any other city. I stepped outside on a clear night, looked up, and could not believe my eyes because, in all of my life, I had never seen so many stars. The whole sky was white with them. God said in the book of Jeremiah 33.22, “The host of heaven cannot be numbered.”

Today we know that it is of the essence that you have blood in you veins if you are going to live, but men did not always know that.  It was not until the 17 century that a man by the name of William Harvey, around 1650, discovered that blood circulates through the Veins. Men believed for a long time that air was in their veins and arteries.

No one understood the purpose of the blood, and when someone got sick, they would say, “well bad blood” and they would bleed them. That is where the barber pole came from that you used to see in front of barbershops and still do in places; it represents the bandage. They would go to the barber, and he would cut them, let out some of their blood, and then bandage the cut.

George Washington got sick one day, and they bled him, and again the second time and a third, and actually bled old George to death, the father of our country. He probably needed a transfusion. We know today that the blood is a red river of life carrying food to the cells and carrying waste away from the cells and it maintains a constant body temperature. It also carries oxygen to burn food, it fights disease and mends the body and builds skin and bones. God said in the very dawn of history in the book of Lev. 17:14, “The life of all flesh is in the blood”. There is not one true scientific fact that controverts the Bible.

Don’t pay any attention when people say that the Bible doesn’t measure up to Science because they apparently don’t know science or the Bible. This is only one part of five parts on “How we know the Bible is the word of God; if you would like to read the other parts Click here for parts I, II, III, IV, V,

About the author: Jimmie Burroughs is a motivational speaker and author who has been involved in teaching Christian Personal Development for more than 30 years. There are hundreds of articles to help you on this website (Website Contents) in your personal growth.


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