
Three simple ways to improve your writing

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Written by Jimmie Burroughs Email to a friend-

Abraham Lincoln was a master writer who had the ability to get to the point in the fewest of words, and that is the primary meaning of excellent writing. A seven word document immortalizes Lincoln’s decision to spare a soldier’s life. In 1862 Michael Delaney deserted one Colorado regiment, but had joined another and was fighting with it when he was arrested. Since the man had re-enlisted, Lincoln overturned the death sentence, writing with dazzling and unusual succinctness, he said, “Let him fight instead of being shot.” A Lincoln

There are many systems for enhancing your writing skills. The one under consideration here is a system that involves our higher form of infinite intelligence and logical thinking. It is difficult to access the same level of expression in ordinary conversation as in writing. Our ability to write goes much deeper than our ability to speak.


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Daily stress often inhibits the creativity of the mind, so it is important to write when you are comfortable and relaxed. Allow the “infinite knowledge”* of the mind to enter into your writing. This also gives your writing style that is uniquely your own. The intelligence that is within the mind and logical thinking flows easier and more smoothly when we consciously allow it to happen.  This technique involves three steps to better writing:

Step #1: Choose a topic and divide it into 3 or more points at the beginning, and add other points if needed. Google the topic and read a few articles others have written about the topic, making some notes as you go. (Reading is the best way to improve your knowledge of the topic and increase writing skills.) Write in five or ten minutes everything you can think of about the first point. Don’t be concerned about correctness or paragraph divisions at this point, just write.

After you complete the article, you can go back and make paragraph divisions and do the editing. A good suggestion is to wait about twenty four hours to do your final editing before you publish the article. You will be surprised at how much more you will see that needs correcting.

Step #2: Relax and take ten to fifteen minutes to think about what you have just written. Let your mind wonder without forcing it to concentrate. Give your mind the freedom to do its work.

At the end of the ten or fifteen minutes add to what you have written as your mind dictates. Just let it flow smoothly from your mind, and write down whatever flows out. Write as much as you can, as long as it flows freely from your mind. The mind does wonders when it is given the liberty to develop ideas, visions or images. Just stop to think about it: All the great books and movies have flowed from someone’s mind.

Step #3: Develop a ritual for your writing. We develop rituals for most everything we do; for example, when we go to bed at night we brush our teeth, put on our PJs, turn back the covers, maybe read a bit, turn off the light and go to sleep. Ritual also enhances writing by enabling you to write smoother and easier.

When we repeat something over and over, it becomes easier in time. Rituals allow us to connect firmly with the moment, and enable us to be precise in our methodology. For example, my first need is to locate an idea for a topic to write about if I don’t already have one in mind. Ideas are everywhere, in emails; in news articles on Yahoo; in sermons; in what someone says to you, etc. So, I spend a few minutes browsing news articles and reflecting until an idea comes to mind.

Rituals eliminate the task of making a decision. We are able to enter the procedure of writing relaxed without any thought at all. We automatically begin to do what our mind instructs us based on the routine already developed in our mind.

The secret is to develop a routine that best fits your own comfort and style. Then refine it until it works smoothly; systematize it so that it works the same way every time without thought or effort. When you develop a good system, it will be enjoyable and also accomplish what you want with the same measure of success each time.

It is best to write on a topic that you are familiar with, but as I mentioned in the beginning, reading what others have to say about a topic is a good idea also even if you know the topic well; it can add new information. I recently wrote an eBook on a topic very familiar to me. I only intended to do a small amount of research. However, when I got started, I discovered there was a lot of new information on the topic that I was not aware of, so I spent some 40 hours doing the research which is about five times more than usual.

Repeat all three steps for each additional point.


Writing is a gift, but it is something most anyone can do with some learning and effort, although maybe not professionally. Even the most gifted improve their writing skills with practice and refinement. I don’t by any means claim to be the best writer, but the writing I do today is so far advanced than the articles I wrote a few years ago when I started this website. And it’s because I’ve learned a lot more about writing in that space of time, and have done a considerable amount of writing. Practice may not always make perfect, but it sure improves your writing skills. Get into the habit of writing every day.

If I named one single thing that has helped me the most to improve my writing, it would be reading. Reading improves grammar, style and vocabulary.

  • -“Infinite knowledge” as used here is not meant to be absolute knowledge as that of God, but the more comprehensive knowledge that is a part of the sub-conscious mind. However, for those who have a relationship with God, his indwelling Spirit can direct a person far beyond their own knowledge and ability, and actually access the infinite knowledge of God, at least to some degree.

About the author: Jimmie Burroughs is a motivational speaker and author who has been involved in teaching Christian Personal Development for more than 30 years. There are hundreds of articles to help you on this website (Website Contents ) in your personal growth.


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