
10 Things More Important Than Money

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Written by Jimmie Burroughs Email to a friend

In today’s world, it seems that all that really matters is money, and everywhere you turn someone is trying to squeeze more from you, beginning with the government right down to your personal doctor and everywhere else. If you buy something on the Internet, the next thing you see is an upgrade offer to try to get some more money from you. It seems that the message conveyed by Internet marketing is, don’t leave any money on the table…get all you can any way you can. While money is important and having enough to supply your family’s needs is crucial, there are some things that are more important. Below I’ve listed 10 things more important than money:

1.  Time: Time is more important than money because you can’t replenish your time. You can spend money and add more, but once your day worth 24 hours is spent; it is gone forever, and each person only has a limited amount of time before it is all spent. If you make a pile of money, but use up all your time in the process, what have you gained? We came into the world with nothing, and that is how we leave. Productivity is great; that is the primary purpose of life, but living life is far greater. Living the good life plus productivity is the right balance.

2.  Health: Which is most important to you: good health or money? You may say I want both, and you are right, but good health wins thumbs down when it comes to which are the most important. A lot of folks have good health but are depressed because they have no money. Thank God for your health, and get busy making money. But remember that money has its limitations; money has been proven only to enhance your life until you reach a good standard of living and after that it adds little or nothing. Larger homes and expensive cars just give a momentary jolt of excitement that quickly wears away.

George Vanderbilt built the largest mansion in America back in 1895, 175,000 square feet, and furnished it with rare antiques from all over the world, and then lived only a few years and died. I’m glad he built it because it makes a nice museum, but he had such a short time to enjoy his work. Great wealth can do great things, but it can’t give good health nor can it make you happy.

3.  Family: Family is the most precious thing we have on earth. Its value cannot be appraised in dollars and cents. Nothing gives the satisfaction like having a loving faithful mate to share your life with, and the gratification of having children together. A premier time of my life was when my wife and I were working hard and raising our two children and enjoying life together.

4.  Relationships: There is a deep sense of security of having friends around you who care deeply for you, who are willing to go the last mile with you. And even the more casual friends who are not as close but still good to know that they are your friends. You might have friends because you have money, but money never buys true genuine friends

5.  Integrity: Of all virtues, integrity is one of the most important and also one of the most oft-cited.  A person either has it, or they don’t; there is no in between. Integrity is far above rubies and cannot be bought at any price. In a world, today where there is so much distrust, it is refreshing to run upon a person with integrity; someone to be trusted, who is fair in all dealings. Can integrity be developed? Perhaps, but it is generally an innate part of a person’s character.

6.  Love: According to the Bible love is the greatest thing in the world. Several years ago I read a book on love which I consider to be the best ever written on the subject other than the Bible. This classic book on love was written back in the eighteen hundreds. I would like for you to have a free download of the eBook version of it. It’s yours free when you subscribe to my free newsletter, which you can cancel at any time. This book is small and easily read in an hour or so; it will give you a new insight on love and how important it is as well as a comprehensive definition of what love is. Go here for your copy. You will be very glad you did; I promise.

7.  Wisdom: It was wise old King Solomon who said, “Take my instruction and not silver, and knowledge rather than choicest gold. For wisdom is better than jewels; And all desirable things cannot compare with her.” -Solomon, 1000 BC. Wisdom is another one of those things which cannot be bought with money. Wisdom is acquired through experience, and is also a gift from God

8.  Contentment: I’ve used the word contentment rather than happiness because it is much preferred over happiness. Happiness is a temporary feeling based on happenstance. Contentment is philosophical and consistent in all seasons, whether in bad times or good times. It is a learned ability to be content with whatever you have. Like the most valuable things in life, it can’t be bought with money, but it is available to all who seek it.

 9.  Honor:  “Honor is a code of behavior that defines the duties of an individual within a social group. Margaret Visser observes that in an honor-based society ‘a person is what he or she is in the eyes of other people’.  A code of honor differs from a legal code, also socially defined and concerned with justice, in that honor is implicit rather than explicit and objectified.“ [1] Rather have honor than wealth untold without honor. Honor neither accompanies wealth or poverty, but is a personal attribute of those with high character.

10.  Faith: “Without faith it is impossible to please God.”  Some may not feel the importance of pleasing God, but the truth is that our faith in him also opens up the kind of life that is meaningful and fulfilling. Every plan of life apart from faith in God only leads to nothingness in the end. God is the only way that makes any sense of life. He is the only one who gives peace. He is the only one who gives everlasting life after this life on earth is finished. We place a lot of value on the riches of this world, but God says that one human soul is worth more than all the wealth of this world. That is why God offered his son Jesus to become our sacrifice for sin that our soul might be saved eternally. If you would like to see how that you can place your faith in God, read the article “How to have a relationship with God.”


As I wrote this article, it dawned on me that making a lot of money often happens when a person truly learns and implements some of the things mentioned above, like managing their time well, developing a network of relationships, having honor and integrity. There is no evil in making money honestly; it only becomes wrong when the more important things in life are ignored for the sake of making more money and the love of money rather than a love of God.

I’ve tried it both ways and must say that I had rather live with money than without it, but the ten things listed above, 10 things more important than money, I had rather have than the wealth. The good thing is that you don’t have to be wealthy to have them, or you can be wealthy and have them, but with or without money if you have them you are wealthy in a way which money can never provide.

Jimmie Burroughs: Founder of Christian personal development.

About the author: Jimmie Burroughs is a motivational speaker and author who has been involved in teaching Christian Personal Development for more than 30 years. There are hundreds of articles to help you on this website in your personal growth. If I can help you personally, please send your concerns via Contact me

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