
5 ways to be happy in 2014

 Website DIVISIONS (Over 600 articles to help you to grow in every facet of your life)

Written by Jimmie Burroughs

Happiness is a choice we make, or rather the result of many choices that we make.  Sometimes happiness just happens, but it happens mainly because we made the right choices. No one is exempt from making some poor choices; we all do from time to time. It is only when most of our choices are lousy ones that our happiness suffers. How do we avoid making poor choices? At least how do we avoid making poor choices consistently and spoiling our chances for happiness? The answer is by making some choices that are proven to cause happiness. There are many, but I will list only five. These are five fundamental happy choices. Do the opposite of this and guarantee your unhappiness. So here they are 5 ways to be happy in 2014:

1.       Make enough money; pay your bills and save a little

2.       Save only what you need to save and enjoy spending the rest

3.       Build a better relationship with your spouse

4.       Keep your life simple

5.       Avoid people and things that make you unhappy when possible

Make enough money;  pay your bills and save a little

Perhaps you are asking the question: How is that possible when I’m living on a fixed retirement income and can’t pay my bills let alone saving anything? Or since my job just doesn’t pay any more than I presently earn, how can there be a solution? If your income is fixed, or you’re retired on a fixed income, have you ever thought about fixing your fixed income by finding a way to earn some extra money on the side? Some have discovered a way to earn extra money at home, using their computer to sell a service or a skill that they have. Some earn a full time salary on a blog like this one, writing about things that they have experienced, or things they have a lot of knowledge about. Here is how one millionaire put it: He said, “Keep your eyes open for opportunities.” Opportunities are everywhere; it is just that most are too distracted with everything else to see them.

Don’t give up on this one; you can do it and only you, because no one else is going to do it for you. If you don’t solve this one, you are highly unlikely to experience anywhere near your full potential for happiness. Having bill collectors calling and struggling to pay bills is not a happy experience.

It is also equally vital to save for retirement unless you plan to work till you drop. If you start when you’re young saving just a little, it will amount to a lot when you are ready to retire. It is not all about saving; it is partly about learning how to spend and to invest so as not to risk losing what you have saved, and at the same time letting your savings earn some extra money for your retirement.

Save only what you need to save and enjoy spending the rest

What’s the purpose of making a lot of money if you can never spend any of it for your enjoyment? It is essential to save what needs to saved, but anything more does nothing to give a fuller life. Living a life to the fullest is more valuable than leaving a few thousand or a few million dollars behind when you die.

What is enough to save? That depends on how you want to live when you retire. If you enjoy a simple kind of life, retirement will not be so expensive; on the other hand if you feel that you have to live ocean side in a large home, then it will cost you a lot. There are ways to live exceptionally well and still not break the bank. I have experimented with them and know they do exist. You can discover them if you have any creativity at all.

To estimate your future needs is complicated, and there are no absolute perfect ways to do so.  The best way, I believe, is to save a percentage of your income consistently, and invest it wisely. But don’t save so much as to limit your quality of living in the present. Lump sums of money that you receive unexpectedly may best be divided in half; half going into savings and the other half spent to buy something you need or want for yourself, or your spouse.

Remember also that your true financial value is based on your assets, and not on how much money you have in savings alone. If you owe more than your total assets, then you have no assets…you’re broke. That is another reason to be extremely careful about how much debt that you are carrying. Mortgage debt was once considered being a positive debt since real estate appreciated, and the amount of money owed was less than the value. That all changed in 2008 when the bottom of the real estate market fell out, and left a lot of folks under water with  mortgages that far outweighed the value of the home. So that took away the illusive security blanket that the equity in a home once afforded.  I know that a home can still be a legitimate investment, but just not as secure as it once was.

Build a better relationship with your spouse

There is an old saying: “When momma’s happy everyone is happy.” Since I’m a guy, writing this from a guy’s perspective, I must tell you how beneficial to your happiness your building a relationship with your wife is.  Listen guys, if you think you are going to be happy with a disgruntled woman in the house, I’ve got some distressing news for you: “It ain’t gonna happen.”

For sure, building a better relationship with your spouse is not always an easy endeavor. There may already be so much resentment built up that it will be difficult to erase it.  The reason that marriages go so wrong often times in the first place is because each person is self-centered, therefore, trying to get what they want without considering what the other person needs or wants. Marriage is about taking care of each other’s needs. There is no other way to build your relationship.

Keep your life simple

Those things people buy thinking they will make them happy usually just add more stress and more responsibility to maintain them. Today it is relatively easy to live like rich people do because of credit. But there is a significant difference in how the rich live and the average Joe who is over his head in debt trying to live far beyond his means. The rich  hire people to maintain a large lawn and garden, keep the house, maintain the cars, boats and everything else while the average Joe is working all the time to pay for things that require the rest of his time trying to care for them.

It is difficult for folks to understand that things alone will never make anyone happy.  Some of the poorest people in the world are the happiest. They live remarkably simple lives minus the stress of trying to maintain a lavish lifestyle. Warren Buffet said in a recent interview that one of the things he enjoyed most in his life was his private jet. However, he said, “I wouldn’t trade the Internet for it.” Most of us can’t afford a private jet, but most anyone can use the Internet even if they have to go to the public library. The point is that expensive things are optional and unnecessary for a happy life. Ironically, at least to some, simple things sometimes cause more happiness than the greatest wealth can buy. How can you compare holding someone in your arms and loving them to money, or watching a beautiful sunset with someone you love compared to money, or watching that little girl turn into a young woman, or that little boy turn into a young man. I believe that living the simple life is one of the most overlooked secrets to happiness. In America, you can live a simple life and still enjoy the modern conveniences that most of the world can’t afford.

Avoid people and things that make you unhappy when possible

There surely are a lot of unpleasant things that we have no choice but to face in this life, but there are also many that we bring on ourselves that could be avoided. I love people and love to be with them, but there are some that I refuse to spend any of my time around because they seem to make it their purpose in life by their obnoxious personality to squash every decent thing with criticism, complaints and their defiant attitude. There is a movie star that I have enjoyed watching in some of his movies, but in real life those who know him can’t stand to be around him because of his bad attitude. Choose your friends carefully because they can either pull you up or bring you down to their level.

Time is too precious to waste doing things you don’t want to do, so I don’t go to places where I don’t want to go just to be going for whatever the reason, or do things I don’t want to do for whatever reason. I realize that there are those things which leave us no choice…for example, like going to the doctor or dentist. But don’t expect me to visit aunt Suzy when she is like being around an angry bear with cubs, or watching the distressing news at 10 p.m.


Life is far too short to miss out on happiness just in order to succeed at something else that will fade away into nothingness.  Many have gone even deeper and have discovered  spiritual happiness which is called joy.  Three of the greatest words in the English Language are Love, Joy and Peace. All three of those are the result of a deeper spiritual happiness that is only found with a relationship with God.

About the author: Jimmie Burroughs is a motivational speaker and author who has been involved in teaching Christian Personal Development for more than 30 years. There are hundreds of articles to help you on this website, Website Contents , in your person growth. If I can help you personally, please send your concerns via: Contact me.


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