• Communication

    Your Words Determine the Quality of your Life

    (A section from my upcoming book “90 Days, a Paradigm change”) A blind man was sitting on the street with a sign that read, “I’m blind, please help.” A few people dropped a coin in the tin he had beside him. Then a young woman came by and knelt down, took his sign and wrote something on the back side and replaced it. Immediately, almost everyone that came by dropped coins in the tin. Later the young woman returned to check on the blind man. He asked her what she did to his sign. Here is what she wrote, “It is a beautiful day, but I can’t see it.” The…

  • Communication

    How to Avoid Letting Your Words Train Wreck a Conversation

    Website DIVISIONS (Over 600 articles to help you to grow in every facet of your life) Written by Jimmie Burroughs Email to a friend Most of us have at times said something that we wish we hadn’t. That isn’t that unusual, but knowing how to get back on track without a complete train wreck is worth learning, and even better is learning how to avoid saying the wrong things to start with. Let’s examine some conversations and  words to avoid, or if we become involved in them, how to get out without creating an unpleasant situation. Conversation should be designed to enhance bonding and developing better relationships and not becoming…

  • Communication

    5 Rules of Good Communication

    Website DIVISIONS (Over 600 articles to help you to grow in every facet of your life) Written by Jimmie Burroughs Email this article to a friend For every discipline there are rules to be followed in order to reach maximum effectiveness. This is especially true for communicating your ideas to others. I’ve been a public speaker for more than 40 years and I know from experience how important it is to abide by good rules in addressing a crowd or one on one. There are many rules that apply but for the sake of space I’ll just list 5 that I consider to be very important:      Consider the reference points…