• Bible

    The Gospel of Matthew Study Help (Matthew 26:20-30)

    The Passion of Christ Questions to be answered in this study What are the two ordinances of the church? What was the date of the first Lord’s Supper? Another name for the Last Supper is “seder;” what does it mean? What was the seating arrangement for the first Lord’s Supper? Where was Judas seated? What is the purpose of the Lord’s Supper? What does the first and second cup of wine represent? Why dis Jesus dismiss Jesus when He did? To whom does the first part of the Lord’s Supper apply? To whom does that later part of the Lord’s Supper apply? Jesus pronounced woe on Judas; what does woe…

  • • Managerial skills

    God Wants You to Have a Beautiful Life

    Written by Jimmie Burroughs – e-mail to a friend Isn’t it ironic that many spend an entire lifetime searching for something to fill the void in their heart and pay to have a beautiful life when they can receive it from God — FREE? God wants you to have a beautiful life, and God, in His word, tells you how. In a world so void of a beautiful life, why wouldn’t anyone be happy to receive it? The best answer to that question is because they do not know how to receive it. Would you like to know how? The idea “what makes a beautiful life” differs from person to…

  • • Managerial skills

    The Secret to Overcoming Dissatisfaction and Discouragement

    Written by Jimmie Burroughs “Dissatisfaction and discouragement are not caused by the absence of                              things but the absence of vision.” –Anonymous Dissatisfaction and Discouragement are found in all levels from those in poverty to the wealthy, from the obscure to the famous, but none of those conditions is the cause. So, what is the cause and what is the secret to overcoming dissatisfaction and discouragement? The cause is a lack of personal vision, and the cure is creating a personal vision. Why is vision so important to the state of well being? It defines one’s purpose and reason for being alive. Life without purpose and reason falls into the…