• Authority

    Contractual Marriage verses Covenant Marriage

    The State requires a Marriage License: I was married to my first wife for 44 years until she died of cancer in 2005. When we were young and decided to marry, our understanding was that we needed to get a blood test and then the marriage license. We gave it no thought because that was the way you were supposed to do it. Everyone did it that way. Today, I question if the State actually has the authority to grant permission to marry. According to the Bible, marriage is a God ordained privilege and not up to the state to authorize. A license by definition, according to Black’s law dictionary,…

  • Authority

    Understanding the Purpose and Value of Authority…

    Authority by definition–noun:  “The power to determine, adjudicate, or otherwise settle issues or disputes; jurisdiction; the right to control, command, or determine.” (dictionary.reference.com/browse/​authority) Understanding the Purpose and Value of Authority The origin of all authority ultimately is from God; God has delegated authority to man to rule the earth. Governments through Laws that are established are designed to bring order and to provide citizens benefits, security and wellbeing, and to punish law breakers. Without authority and an established system of law, society breaks down and chaos takes over. One of the greatest problems we face is lack of respect for authority One of the greatest social problems of our day is…