• Bible

    The Gospel of Matthew Study Help (Matthew 26:20-30)

    The Passion of Christ Questions to be answered in this study What are the two ordinances of the church? What was the date of the first Lord’s Supper? Another name for the Last Supper is “seder;” what does it mean? What was the seating arrangement for the first Lord’s Supper? Where was Judas seated? What is the purpose of the Lord’s Supper? What does the first and second cup of wine represent? Why dis Jesus dismiss Jesus when He did? To whom does the first part of the Lord’s Supper apply? To whom does that later part of the Lord’s Supper apply? Jesus pronounced woe on Judas; what does woe…

  • • Managerial skills

    The Soul Punch, I’m Dying!

    Written by Jimmie Burroughs Those two words “I’m dying” were the two words referred to by the award winning actor, Matthew McConaughey, as a “soul punch.”  They were a couple of words from his latest movie “Dallas Buyers Club.” In order to be convincing, great actors must convince themselves that what they are saying is true. I suppose that’s the reason it hit so close to home. We are dying . . . All of us are dying, but we somehow dismiss it from our minds, as we should; I must say that we should dwell on living, but if we are wise, we will also prepare for dying. Life…

  • God

    God Vs. Science

     Written by Jimmie Burroughs Email to a friend         The idea that God verses science in itself is a false supposition since true science comes from God. I suppose a better title would be that God Verses False Science. It is also falsely assumed that all scientists are atheists. Forty scientists out of a hundred believe in God. There is no need to try and make science look bad any more than there is reason to try and make God look bad. The truth is that God and science complement each other when each is correctly applied.            Some have said that the following story actually happened and assign it…