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    5 Ways to Break the Post Christmas Blues…

    Website DIVISIONS (Over 600 articles to help you to grow in every facet of your life) Written by Jimmie Burroughs – Email this article to a friend “Try to become not a man of success, but try rather to become a man of value.” —Albert Einstein About this time each year, people begin to put a lot of hope into the coming Christmas season, thinking it will bring the joy that is missing in life. When Christmas does arrive and fails to meet expectations, the post Christmas blues become somewhat common. The sadist part is that shortly after Christmas is when the suicide rate goes up. So what is the…

  • Truth

    Don’t be the Victim of False Opinions

    By Jimmie Burroughs Does your opinion have dominion?  Having an opinion is something we all are entitled to and no one, even a dictator, can deprive us of it. We may endanger ourselves by speaking our opinion in some environments but we can always have an opinion about anything we choose. The danger is in having false opinions that are founded on someone else’s false judgment or on a group belief. Jim Jones, pastor of the people’s church, led a group of people and influenced them to believe his opinion even though it was entirely false and even led them to take their own life.  Having a false opinion whether…