• Christian

    Are You a Counterfeit of Your True Self?

     Website DIVISIONS (Over 600 articles to help you to grow in every facet of your life) Written by Jimmie Burroughs Email to a friend For whatever reason by the time, most people reach adulthood they have often become a counterfeit of their true self. Most wouldn’t recognize their true self if they met them face to face. The truth is that your true self is your best self. That is the unique person that God made you be. Over time, the events and people in our life changes us from what we started out being into something else that is far from who we truly are. Identifying those past events…

  • Christian

    Why do many ignore extremely serious warnings?

    Website DIVISIONS (Over 600 articles to help you to grow in every facet of your life) Written by Jimmie Burroughs Email to a friend Most every year storms hit some coastal area of the United States and advance warnings are given to people in the path of the storm to evacuate; most do, but there are always some who refuse to heed the warnings and some die. It is always sad when people lose their lives, but when it’s pointless it makes no sense at all. It happened this week: Nearly 50 million people were threatened by Sandy, a Category 1 hurricane; it made landfall around 8 p.m. Monday in…

  • Christian

    The Purpose of the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus

    Website DIVISIONS (Over 600 articles to help you to grow in every facet of your life) Written by Jimmie Burroughs Email to a friend For many, the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus has no meaning or purpose. However, when it is fully understood its meaning and purpose will make perfect sense. It is the purpose of this article to explain it in relative terms that can open up an whole new meaning in your life if you will allow it to do so. There is no greater event in all of history and none that carries the weight and significance as does the purpose of the crucifixion and resurrection of…