• Christian,  Uncategorized

    America Needs a Tidal Wave of The Old Time Religion…

    Website DIVISIONS (Over 600 articles to help you to grow in every facet of your life) Written by Jimmie Burroughs Email to a friend Has True Religion in America Gone Away? There are a lot of religions, but there can be only one true religion. How do you know which? Give me the old time religion; it is the only one that dates back to the beginning of time. The Holy Bible is the only book that foretells the future with 100% accuracy; it is the only book that answered questions about science thousands of years before it was apparent to science, like the shape of the earth being round,…

  • Uncategorized

    What Has Happened to the Old Time Religion of the Cross of Christ?

    Website DIVISIONS (Over 600 articles to help you to grow in every facet of your life) Written by Jimmie Burroughs- Email this article to a friend  As far back as 2,000 years ago, the Apostle Paul was concerned about preserving the Old Time Religion; he charged his son in the ministry, Timothy, to be watchful of a false religion that did not include the preaching of the full truth of the Holy Bible and the proclamation of the gospel of the cross. Little do most church people realize today that the marching orders for the new age religion, that is so prominent in the church today, comes directly from the…