• Uncategorized

    Is Heaven a Real Place?

    Website DIVISIONS (Over 600 articles to help you to grow in every facet of your life) Written by Jimmie Burroughs Email to a friend According to a neurosurgeon who claims he visited the afterlife, heaven is a real place, and a place so wonderful there are no terms that can fully describe it. Dr Eben Alexander says that he visited the afterlife after a week of being in a coma in the fall of 1908 during a time which his neocortex stopped functioning. Dr. Alexander is a creditable surgeon who has taught at Harvard Medical School and has earned an indisputable reputation as a leading neurosurgeon. Dr. Alexander said, “According…

  • Uncategorized

    If You Were To Die Today, Where Would You Spend Eternity?

    Website DIVISIONS (Over 600 articles to help you to grow in every facet of your life) Written by Jimmie Burroughs –  e-Mail this article to a friend This question appeared on the first page of Google, and some fellow was saying that he saw it on a large road sign on the side of I-86 in North Carolina, and he ended his statement with the LOL symbol (Laugh Out Loud). He posted it to see what answers he would get from Yahoo. I read the answers given by different people and out of 25, only five provided the right answer. It is amazing how few really understand something as important…

  • Relationships

    Power is in the Relationship…

    Written By Jimmie Burroughs There have been many very powerful people who have lived on earth; many who maintained a power by forcing others through fear tactics or dominance. The kind of power I speak of is the opposite; it is the power of love. The most powerful person to ever live was Jesus Christ the Lord. His power was exerted through love. He never amassed any material things on earth though it all was created by him. He could turn water to wine and heal the lame and the blind and even raise the dead. He offered his power to those who followed him and they also were able…