• Christian

    Find the Answers for Three Key Questions about Death

    Website DIVISIONS (Over 600 articles to help you to grow in every facet of your life) Written by Jimmie Burroughs Email to a friend Each day across the world about 150,000 to 200,000 people finish life on earth and enter eternity. Death is a normal part of life and is experienced by all regardless of race, financial status or age. Our stay on earth is relatively short even if we live the average life span or beyond. Nothing in life is more urgent than preparing for death. As we age the clock seems to speed up, clicking off years like days until the end looms in sight.  I suppose there…

  • Relationships

    10 Ways to Win More Friends & Influence More People…

    Written by Jimmie Burroughs The impression that many have about Influencing People and Winning Friends is that it is by their looks and the things  they have, car, home, clothes etc. While it is true that people are attracted by those things, they fall short of developing true friendship and influencing others. True friendship takes time and a lot of effort. Here are 10 things that really work that are expanded on in this article: 1. Stop thinking the world revolves around you and start looking for ways to give value to others. 2. Learn how to be a good listener. 3. Use a person’s name each time you have…