• Bible

    The Gospel of Matthew Study Help (Matthew 26:20-30)

    The Passion of Christ Questions to be answered in this study What are the two ordinances of the church? What was the date of the first Lord’s Supper? Another name for the Last Supper is “seder;” what does it mean? What was the seating arrangement for the first Lord’s Supper? Where was Judas seated? What is the purpose of the Lord’s Supper? What does the first and second cup of wine represent? Why dis Jesus dismiss Jesus when He did? To whom does the first part of the Lord’s Supper apply? To whom does that later part of the Lord’s Supper apply? Jesus pronounced woe on Judas; what does woe…

  • Christian

    Are You a Counterfeit of Your True Self?

     Website DIVISIONS (Over 600 articles to help you to grow in every facet of your life) Written by Jimmie Burroughs Email to a friend For whatever reason by the time, most people reach adulthood they have often become a counterfeit of their true self. Most wouldn’t recognize their true self if they met them face to face. The truth is that your true self is your best self. That is the unique person that God made you be. Over time, the events and people in our life changes us from what we started out being into something else that is far from who we truly are. Identifying those past events…

  • Fear

    Overcome Worry and Fear and Start Living

     Website DIVISIONS (Over 600 articles to help you to grow in every facet of your life) Written by Jimmie Burroughs Email to a friend Does this sound familiar? You get up in the morning and worry about what is going to happen at work. You come home, fix dinner, take care of the kids, and worry about having enough money to pay the bills. You worry a little about the kids as you get them ready for bed. You sit down and watch television until the news comes on at 10:00, and then you worry about the condition the world is in, and worry about the economy, and the national…