• Uncategorized

    Was Jesus More Than Just A Man?

    Website DIVISIONS (Over 600 articles to help you to grow in every facet of your life) Written by Jimmie Burroughs Email this article to a friend One of the greatest lies perpetrated on mankind is that Jesus was just a man. If this was true, then we are people without hope because Jesus is the only person in history that offered a way to be forgiven and a way to heaven after death. If Jesus was just a man, then his death was a horrendous event in history and certainly not anything to celebrate. On the other hand if Jesus was who he said he was and his death is…

  • Relationships

    Power is in the Relationship…

    Written By Jimmie Burroughs There have been many very powerful people who have lived on earth; many who maintained a power by forcing others through fear tactics or dominance. The kind of power I speak of is the opposite; it is the power of love. The most powerful person to ever live was Jesus Christ the Lord. His power was exerted through love. He never amassed any material things on earth though it all was created by him. He could turn water to wine and heal the lame and the blind and even raise the dead. He offered his power to those who followed him and they also were able…

  • Spirituality

    “10 Reasons You Should Have a Religion”

    The answer to Steve Pavlina’s “10 Reasons You Should Not Have a Religion” 10 Reasons to Trust Jesus as Your Savior Steve Pavlina refers to anyone who is religious as Idiots, hypocrites and morons. I don’t like the term religious because the worship of Satan as well as every other form of worship falls under the general heading of religion, but in order to identify with his article, which includes believers in Jesus Christ which is my faith, I’ll use the term religion. Steve calls people like me, or anyone in any religious system idiots, hypocrites and Morons, “When you subscribe to an established religion, you have only two options.…