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    5 Ways How You Can Live a Stylish Simple Life…

    “Try to become not a man of success, but try rather to become a man of value.” —Albert Einstein Website DIVISIONS (Over 600 articles to help you to grow in every facet of your life) Written by Jimmie Burroughs Email this article to a friend    “Try to become not a man of success, but try rather to become a man of value.” —Albert Einstein Most, who live in the United States, would be able to afford a great lifestyle if they were just content living the simple life. From time to time, the super rich person bears out the benefits of living simple. This week billionaire Charles F. Feeney…

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    How to Optimize Your Productivity…

    Website DIVISIONS (Over 600 articles to help you to grow in every facet of your life) Written by Jimmie Burroughs Email this article to a friend These 33 things can help you to optimize your productivity; I found them them somewhere else; I don’t think they are original to any one person but just universal guidelines to improve productivity. I just wanted you to know that they are not original with me. I do think they are very good and I do use many of them. I thought you might be interested in them also: Nuke it! The most efficient way to get through a task is to delete it. …