• Managerial skills

27 Words That Will Help You Make a Better First Impression

Is making a good first impression and engendering positive feelings important to you? If so, here are twenty-seven words that are virtually guaranteed to improve your relationships with others.

Making a good, first impression does not always lead to lasting impressions but they give you an inroad that you might not have otherwise. Certainly, there are other important things also which completes one’s impression of you, such as the way you dress, intelligence, and your respectability. Nevertheless, the things you say carry more weight than how you look or what you do, at least at first. Make a habit of using the following twenty-seven words with people you meet each day and see for yourself the difference it makes:

Words one through three: I appreciate you.

Of all human attributes, gratitude is the rarest – I wonder why?  It is one of the most impressive things you can ever do to make a good first impression.

Words four and five: Thank you. While giving thanks is a form of gratitude, it is also a form of politeness. Politeness is essential in forming good relationships. Ironically, some feel that politeness is no longer needed to their spouse. Consequently, they are far more polite to complete strangers than they are to the one that they are supposed to love the most. Is that strange or what? Politeness is always important in all relationships, especially to your life mate.

Words six and seven: You’re welcome. Today “thank you” is often responded to with “No problem” or “that’s all right.” This minimizes the impact of the term “thank you.” It gives the impression that it is no big deal when actually, it is a big deal to take of your time to help someone else, and the response should always be “You’re welcome.” It will give the impression that helping them is important to you and something that you have put forth some effort to do.

Words eight through eleven: How can I help? This says a lot about a person. It says that they are willing to become involved and to use their time to be of help to someone else. Others take notice when you show interest in their personal needs.

Words twelve through seventeen: It’s good to meet you Sue (Or whatever the person’s name you just met might be). One of the quickest ways to impress anyone is by using their name. Somehow, the impression is that you should take the time to know a person before you call them by their name. Not so, call a person by their name as soon as you are introduced to them. Dale Carnegie said that a person’s name is the sweetest word in the language to them. By failing to call a person by their name when you first meet them, you forfeit one of the greatest ways to make a good first impression.

Words eighteen and nineteen: Sir and ma’am

There was a time in the north when some grade school teachers taught students that it was no longer necessary to use the words “sir” and “ma’am.” They were so wrong. Using these words is a show of respect. Using Sir or ma’am is mandatory in the military to show respect to higher officers. Lawyers in a court of law use these words. Professional people and people in business use them. If you want to make a good first impression, you will use them. Of course, there are exceptions: When addressing those that you know well, or those who are much older, it can be an expression of respect that gets people’s attention quickly.

Words nineteen and twenty-two: To fill you in. Sometimes people are reluctant to share information with new people they have just met, especially in a work environment. Helping new people better to understand important things about their new environment will endear you to them.

There is a difference in sharing needed information and spreading gossip, or coming across as someone who thinks they know it all. It is done in the spirit of helping. It is sharing information that is relevant to others lives.

Words twenty-three through twenty-five: I trust you. Nothing makes a person feel more accepted than knowing they are trusted.  Just those few words of positive validation, “I trust you” can inspire someone to like you and want to do more to help you, or work harder to get the job done.


Certainly the above 27 Words That Will Help You Make a Better First Impression are not a comprehensive list, but they are extremely important. They are a good start if you want to make new relationships or develop old ones.

Jimmie-on-HOG-240x300About the author: Jimmie Burroughs is a motivational speaker and author who’s been involved in teaching Christian Personal Development for more than 30 years. He is a dedicated believer in Jesus Christ and considers helping others his calling in life. His websites contains over 600 articles on preparing yourself for success and better living through personal development.

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