• Relationships

    Build Your Conversation Skills & Build Your Relationships…

      Website DIVISIONS(Over 600 articles to help you to grow in each facet of your life) Written by Jimmie Burroughs Email this article to a friend Conversation is what builds relationships and it is one of the most enjoyable things we do. Spending time with people with whom we have things in common and enjoy interacting with is a driving force behind all social activities. It is the glue that forms a tight bond between friends. Conversation is the avenue by which we get to know another person and maintain a lasting relationship with them. It is the means of getting to know their feelings and philosophy about life. Without…

  • Relationships

    10 Ways to Win More Friends & Influence More People…

    Written by Jimmie Burroughs The impression that many have about Influencing People and Winning Friends is that it is by their looks and the things  they have, car, home, clothes etc. While it is true that people are attracted by those things, they fall short of developing true friendship and influencing others. True friendship takes time and a lot of effort. Here are 10 things that really work that are expanded on in this article: 1. Stop thinking the world revolves around you and start looking for ways to give value to others. 2. Learn how to be a good listener. 3. Use a person’s name each time you have…

  • Relationships

    Power is in the Relationship…

    Written By Jimmie Burroughs There have been many very powerful people who have lived on earth; many who maintained a power by forcing others through fear tactics or dominance. The kind of power I speak of is the opposite; it is the power of love. The most powerful person to ever live was Jesus Christ the Lord. His power was exerted through love. He never amassed any material things on earth though it all was created by him. He could turn water to wine and heal the lame and the blind and even raise the dead. He offered his power to those who followed him and they also were able…