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    7 Ways to Win a Woman’s Love…

    Website DIVISIONS (Over 600 articles to help you to grow in every facet of your life) Written by Jimmie Burroughs Email this article to a friend “Try to become not a man of success, but try rather to become a man of value.” —Albert Einstein According to research, a marriage begins to fade after only 18 months. That does not have to be because there are ways to make a marriage flourish and grow. Much of the problem is that men have a general misunderstanding of women. They think that they are impossible to understand. Some men believe that there is no way to know enough about a woman to develop…

  • Perception,  Relationships

    Can You Trust Anyone Anymore…?

    Written by Jimmie Burroughs Can you trust the police officer a few doors down? Not always; A story surfaced this week of the arrest of a former police officer who abducted a 6 year old girl in Illinois in 1956, daughter of a nearby neighbor,  klled her, after who knows what he did, and dumped her body in a wooded area where it was not discovered for a couple of years. A discrepancy in his alibi was just uncovered recently and he is now to stand trial. Can you trust your own pastor? Once again the answer is, no not every pastor. My own pastor tried to hit on my…

  • Love

    How to Win a Woman’s Love

    Written by Jimmie Burroughs Men have a general misunderstanding of women; they think they are impossible to understand and that there is no way to ever know enough about them to develop any kind of real relationship with them; at the very best you can hope to get close enough to them for sex on occasions when they aren’t going through one of their moods and the rest of the time just tolerate them and keep your distance. If men only knew how easy that it is to Win a Woman’s Love and to bond with her until she is absolutely your all time best friend as well as lover, they would…