• Uncategorized

    10 Guidelines for Recognizing Trust

    Paris Hilton was considered to be the most untrustworthy celeb from a recent poll. Others who also scored low were Charlie Sheen, Britney Spears, Kanye West, Tiger Woods, Kim Kardashian, MEL Gibson, Donald Trump and former California governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger. It is interesting how the stars mentioned above, although they are rich and famous, rate so low in the public’s eyes when it comes to trust. Trust like distrust is earned. I wondered, even though I agree with the poll, why most believed them to be untrustworthy. I decided that they had at least two things in common: They had made stupid statements or had done something stupid or both.…

  • Perception,  Spirituality

    The Decisions We Make Determine Our Future…

    Written by Jimmie Burroughs The decisions we make determine our future, well being, happiness and all other details of our life; so knowing how to determine best decisions and how to structure decision making is ever so important. Discernment and intuition work together in the inner, higher self to enable us to make the best decisions. Learning how to get in touch with the inter, higher self is the object of this paper. Many go through life judging things by their appearance. Their life is lived from the outside out. There is a better way of living when you discover the inner self. Some refer to this inner self as…