• Uncategorized

    Do the thing and you will have the power-Part II

    Website DIVISIONS (Over 600 articles to help you to grow in every facet of your life) Written by Jimmie Burroughs Email this article to a friend The final three of the life principles that shape our future and our lives are: Personal development Finances Relationships Personal development: “We attract success by the person we become”, Jim Rohm. Successful people realize the value of personal development, the unsuccessful often don’t. Personal development gives a person the slight edge, just enough of an edge to be on the upward spiral of life instead of the downward one. It is a deliberate and determined effort to do little things consistently that over time…

  • Success

    10 Things That Will Spoil Your Success

    Written by Jimmie Burroughs Email this article to a friend The difference between success and failure is learning what to do and then taking consistent action. Not knowing what to do and taking the wrong action always spells failure. Below are 10 things that will spoil your success. 1. Carrying an unnecessary load of debt 2. Unable to discern truth from untruth 3. Not distinguishing an opportunity from a non opportunity 4. Being a quitter 5. Developing bad habits instead of good ones 6. Never taking the blame 7. Having a closed mindset 8. Hanging with the wrong crowd 9. Operating on emotions rather than sound information 10. Using outdated ideas…