• Purpose

    Purpose worth Finding…

    Written by Jimmie Burroughs   Email this article to a friend Introduction Every person has a true purpose in life but not every person fulfills theirs. Why? Because they never know what it is; they don’t know because they never made it their purpose to know. Some believe that finding happiness, pleasure or making money is finding your true purpose in life;  it is true that finding your true purpose could bring more happiness than you have ever known and earn you a lot of money but that isn’t the goal. The right goal is important and there is a primary guideline that I’ll mention later that will help in selecting the right…

  • Family

    The Biblical Secret to Building a Stronger Family…

    Written by Jimmie Burroughs None of us are perfect so having a perfect family is out of the question; there will always be challenges and there will always be problems. Nevertheless the home doesn’t have to be just a meeting place to shower and eat and get ready to go somewhere else. It can be a place of serene harmony and peace. I know that that may sound a little overstated to some but it can be true if you know “the Biblical secret to building a stronger family”. The Bible offers great resources for building a stronger family and the thing about it it is free. There are three absolute essentials…