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    How Personal Branding is Determined

    Website DIVISIONS (Over 600 articles to help you to grow in every facet of your life) Written by Jimmie Burroughs Email to a friend Personal branding isn’t something we do ourselves; others give us our brand; we just supply the information for them to use. Learning how personal branding is determined is of the essence if we are to brand ourselves to become successful in whatever our endeavor may be. We are responsible for the brand we get by the information we provide to others about ourselves. I read an article about a young actress, today, whose picture is gracing the cover of a national magazine. The article said, while…

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    Three Success Altering Character Traits…

    Website DIVISIONS (Over 600 articles to help you to grow in every facet of your life) Written by Jimmie Burroughs Over the years I’ve worked with and related to thousands of people and many have been successful and some not so successful. I have seen all kinds of personalities and have determined from them what I believe to be the three success altering character traits. I think I have a pretty good understanding after all these years of observation as to what can cause failure quicker than anything else when it comes to management or entrepreneurial leadership. Here are three character traits that you need to overcome in order to…

  • Truth

    Does it Really Matter What Mr. Steven Hawkins Thinks About God?

    Written by Jimmie Burroughs Does it really matter what Mr.Steven Hawkins thinks about God? It is certain that he does know a lot but with knowledge increasing at such a rapid pace today, it is literally impossible for one person to know more than a fraction of it. Then when you consider all the knowledge there is that is not yet known, it is incomprehensive as to how little any one person knows. So what one man thinks based on his limited knowledge is not really a matter of much concern. Steven Hawking at one time did a least recognise the possibility of God but nows seems to have turned another…