• Purpose,  Uncategorized

    Personal Development Begins at Home…

    Personal development expert Jim Rohm said, ”We attract success by the person we become” and I say that it begins at home in the way a husband treats his wife and vise a versa. How to mend a broken marriage through radical change… I saw a movie many years ago about a man who mistreated his wife and everyone else and had a bad reputation as a really bad person. His whole life was a mixed up and messed up with everything going wrong. He was indeed a miserable person. He had no relationship with his beautiful wife and their marriage had fallen completely apart. His wife hated him and…

  • Love

    How to Win a Woman’s Love

    Written by Jimmie Burroughs Men have a general misunderstanding of women; they think they are impossible to understand and that there is no way to ever know enough about them to develop any kind of real relationship with them; at the very best you can hope to get close enough to them for sex on occasions when they aren’t going through one of their moods and the rest of the time just tolerate them and keep your distance. If men only knew how easy that it is to Win a Woman’s Love and to bond with her until she is absolutely your all time best friend as well as lover, they would…

  • Relationships

    Becoming a Better Person is the Secret to Building Better Relationships…

    “And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.” (Ephesians 4:32, King James Version) Three of the most common things I’ve noticed over the years in my counseling experiences are that couples are often unkind to one another, often express anger toward each other and have an unforgiving attitude. All three of these are just characteristics of lack of growth or you could say immaturity. Maturing means becoming a better person: “Becoming a Better Person is the Secret to Building Better Relationships.” It’s called personal development. So the purpose of this article is to discuss how to reverse those three…