
How to Break Bad Habits and Addictions Forever

Life sometimes loads us with bad experiences, bad memories and negative thoughts and as a result our life gets bogged down and life becomes a heavy burden just to be endured. There is good news because it does not have to be that way. We have all at times made wrong choices and developed bad habits which hinder our life and our health. This article is about “How to Break Bad Habits and Addictions Forever” and discovering how to live fully alive!

Storms do a lot of damage sometimes and it takes a lot to rebuild as well as time but in the end the rebuilding if often far superior to the old that was destroyed by the storm. The storms of life do their damage also and they can affect our health, relationships, finances as well as our financial future. Often instead of trying to repair the damage, many turn to addictions to try to  mask and elevate their feelings and those negative habits only add additional burdens, whether it is unhealthy eating habits or drugs and alcohol, smoking, lying, gambling, stealing, bitterness, hatred, revenge or any other addiction.

The good news is there is a far better way that can lead to a bright new lease on life

We have little control concerning the storms that come into our life but we do have control as to how we respond to them and how we deal with the aftermath. A dear friend of mine is going through a stormy time in his life. He has been diagnosed with cancer and the prognosis is not that good. I spoke with him on the phone and he was positive and ready to face the storm whatever it brings, even if it is death.

I must say that his strength is in God. Without God there is no hope but with him on our side we cannot lose ultimately.

We must not allow ourselves to harbor negative and disturbing thoughts which will drag us lower and lower but instead think on those things which build us up and gives hope. We must forever break the dependency on bad habits which tear us down.

I realize that that is easy to say but how is it done is the question? There is a verse in the Bible which says, “It is better to give than to receive”. How different that is from the philosophy that now prevails in America which is about getting and not about giving. The word blessed in that verse is also translated as happy. You ever wonder why there are some many stars out in Hollywood, California who are constantly seeking rehab for addictions or psychiatric counseling for depression? The answer is because their whole life is involved in their looks, fame, money and getting more and more but enjoying it less and less.

God created us to be givers, not takers

It is designed into our makeup to give and to try to be anything else only produces confusion to God’s plan. The human heart has a vacuum that can never be filled with anything but God’s love. To have a bright new lease on life requires that God be at the center of it otherwise it will never happen and people will continue depend on their addictions which will finally destroy their life.

There are even many Christians who are also caught in the trap of a self-centered life of taking rather than giving and have lost their way. Self-centeredness is turning ones attention solely on one’s own needs and troubles without concern for others. When this happens it can only lead to a feeling of despair. To the contrary when we are thinking on how we can help others, that low feeling goes away and is replaced by blessedness. If this is not true then the verse from the Bible above is not true and I know it is true for I’ve experienced it in my own life many times.

Here is a little test that bears out the truth that it is more blessed to give than to receive: At Christmas time when the gifts are handed out to your love ones, which gives you the most joy, opening your own gifts or seeing the joy on the faces of your love ones when they open the gifts you have given them?

“Think and Grow Rich”

Neapolitan Hill in his book, “Think and grow rich” emphasized the same principle. He says think on ways of helping others and you also will grow rich yourself in the process. You may not always grow inch materially but if it is a rich, meaningful, blessed life you are interested in, giving to others is the way. It turns our focus away from ourselves and our problems and focuses it on the needs and problems of others which in turn give a feeling of blessedness or you could say peace of mind.

The world is full of proof that a life focused solely on self is a downward spiral that leads to addictions and depression. The choice is yours, You can learn how to break bad habits and addictions forever if you only believe.

Depend on the Almighty Power of GOD and you can Live Fully Alive!

“They should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after Him, and find Him, though He is not far from every one of us: For in Him we live, and move, and have our being.”

– Acts 17:28

“May God’s love and peace make you fully alive and fill your life with growing prosperity!”

For more information on how to start depending on God rather than yourself go to: www.otobefree.com

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Who Is Jimmie Burroughs?

Jimmie Burroughs has been involved in teaching Personal Development off and on for more than 30 years.

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