
5 Ways to Become a More Attractive Person

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Written by Jimmie Burroughs Email to a friend

“Success is something you attract by becoming an attractive person”, Jim Rohn.

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Attraction is powerful, whether it is attraction marketing or just becoming more attractive. Here are 5 ways to become  more attractive and also increase your possibility of becoming successful. I’m primarily speaking to men since I’m a man and know how easy it is to get a bit lazy about appearance, but women also need to take heed, although their approach differs slightly.

There was a picture on the Internet of a young man, already a multi-millionaire in the music industry, in concert, whose pants waist was at the bottom of his boxer shorts. Not only did he look soooo ridiculously unattractive, he also presented an extremely poor image to youngsters who idolize him.

No doubt the present trend of dressing fostered by the hip hop industry will go down in history as the worst dressed generation of all time. That is just my opinion, and I’m sticking with it.

First: Improve your personal appearance in 4 simple steps

1. Take care in how you wear your clothes: I knew a young man who was a senior in high school. He worked part time where I worked. He came by work on his way to the junior/senior prom; that was back when most schools had proms. He had on a nice Tux, but he had failed to wash his hands thoroughly before he buttoned up the white shirt, and there were smudges around each buttonhole. Also, his shoes were scruffy and unpolished. Even with the tux he still had a poor appearance.

So here’s the deal: make sure that everything about the way you’re dressed is right and balanced. Here are five guidelines: Make sure that clothes are starched and ironed, neat, clean and matching, and shoes are clean, and polished. I’m talking about when you go out, of course, not when you are lounging around the house. It is super important when you go on a date, interview for a job, go to church, or wherever a group is meeting or people present.

2.  Keep hair and facial hair neat. If you wear long hair or a beard, they still need attention; hair needs to be clean and washed often and neatly trimmed. Beards need to be trimmed regular, and nose, ear hair and wild hair needs to be trimmed, or removed. 

3.  Start a healthy diet and exercise regularly. This will do wonders for losing extra weight, staying toned and adding confidence. It also clears the mind, adds energy, and gives a higher self esteem, and makes you feel great and ready to take on the world.

4.  Select appropriate clothes for the occasion. Many places today only require casual dress. Casual dress can be very attractive if done right. Select some attractive sport shirts and nice jeans. I like to have my shirts and jeans done at the laundry. I request the jeans to be heavily starched and creased, and the shirts starched. If this is not in your budget, you can do the same at home. Neatly laundered clothes,nice matching belt and polished shoes, or clean sport shoes make for a cool, sharp appearance.  Stick with the tailored look instead of falling for the ill fitting slouchy hip hop look that is anything but attractive, and is sure to fall by the wayside.

Secondly: Drive a clean car

In some locales a person is judged by the car they drive, which in my opinion is way over the top, but for sure most anywhere you live, you may be judged by how clean your car stays. It doesn’t have to be new or sporty, but clean is always in.

Thirdly:  Be punctual

There is no such thing as being fashionably late as some would like to believe. Quite to the contrary, it’s always tacky. It shows a gross lack of consideration for those who have to waste their time waiting on you. A person who is consistently late has an unattractive reputation for being inconsiderate and undependable.

Fourthly: Be social

Wall flowers don’t have much fun and are not attractive. Being sociable is taking the first initiative to reach out to others in conversation and being relaxed and laughing often. Also, being sociable requires showing good taste in what you say, and always showing consideration for others. Never attempt to be the center of attraction, but instead be involved and interact, not with just a select few but all present. It is so unattractive when a few form a click and exclude others. That sort of behavior is juvenile and something you would normally expect in grade school, or high school circles.

Fifthly: Improve your personality

A good definition of personality is: “The ‘personality’ is the typical pattern of thinking, feeling, and behaviors that make a person unique.”

Perhaps the most attractive thing of all is an attractive personality, which goes even further than looks. It once was believed that personality was set by a certain age, and could not be changed. However, we know today that we have a great deal of influence and control over our personality; refining and molding its characteristics so as to become a more attractive person are well within our power.

It has been postulated approximately 85 percent of your success and happiness will be a result of how well you interact with others.” With that kind of importance, it behooves us to refine our personality and make it attractive. Here are a dozen suggestions to consider:

1.      Be kind and outgoing.

2.      Show humor.

3.      Become a good conversationalist.

4.      Be a good listener.

5.      Respect others.

6.      Show gratitude.

7.      Complement others but only genuine compliments; don’t overdo it.

8.      Expand your attention; include everyone into your circle.

9.      Learn names and call people by their names as soon as you learn them.

10.  Show interest in what is going on in the lives of others.

11.  Don’t promote self.

12.  Don’t be an egotistical know-it-all.


Most people want to be attractive to others, but many do not know how. Incorporate the things above into your life and see the difference it makes. Not only will it make you a much more attractive person, it will also raise your self esteem and make success much more likely.

About the author: Jimmie Burroughs is a motivational speaker and author who has been involved in teaching Christian Personal Development for more than 30 years. There are hundreds of articles to help you on this website (Website Contents) i n your personal growth.


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