
The Top 5 Attributes That Hinder Job Promotions…

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Written by Jimmie Burroughs Email this article to a friend

Hiring managers give the top personal attributes that are deciding factors when promoting employees:

• Piercings:               37%
• Bad Breath             34%
• Visible Tattoo          31%
• Wrinkled Clothes:    31%
• Messy Hair             29%

While it is each individual’s freedom to express themselves as they choose, as long as it is legal, it is not always helpful it seems as far as advancement in your career. It becomes a decision as to whether one should take the liberty to do as they please and pay the consequences or restrain themselves in favor of acceptability on the job as well as in public in general.

Piercings are the most unacceptable in the job and corporate world. Today piercings are common place with a large percentage of teens as well as adults who also sport them. It could be in time that the norms and mores will catch up with the modern trend but as yet that is not the case.

Are piercings and tattoos considered amoral? In today’s society the answer is probably yes. However in ancient Hebrew times God forbade Israel to have markings or piercings. Does God dislike piercings and tattoos? Well according to the Old Testament he did. Has God changed his mind or has the general public changed their mind or I should say, is changing their mind? Don’t get upset if you have piercings or tattoos because we all do things that God doesn’t like…it is called sin. “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God’, Romans 3:23.

The good thing is that God is a merciful God who forgives us our sins. “If we confess our sins God is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us of all unrighteousness.” I John 1:9

A person must decide if piercings and tattoos are worth the cost. Of course if you already have them then it is best to not let anyone else’s opinion bother you.

The other three attributes are much easier to determine. Bad breath, wrinkled clothing and messy hair are all generally unacceptable and can be remedied. None of those three attributes are marks of professionalism.

I think the real issue to be determined is whether our personal rights is always to be the determining factor in how we act. To that, for myself at least, I must say a resounding no! If what we choose to do is offensive to others then it might be worth reconsidering whether you want to take the liberty or to restrain in favor of better relationships and concern for the feeling of others.

Personal development is concerned about having compassion and feelings for others, putting them first and our own desires second. Don’t misunderstand me here. Personally friendship, as far as I’m concerned, is not determined by any of the five attributes above but is focused on what kind of person, their character and integrity.

If however we are concerned about how we are viewed in the eyes of others, we must be willing to make some compromises in how we act and how we look.

An example of that is in choosing how we speak. While the use of profanity is widely accepted in movies and the media and is considered freedom of speech, it is still not acceptable by all. A person who chooses to use profanity when addressing the public may be accepted by the majority and only offends a few, but if he chooses not to use profanity he will not be offensive to anyone because he choose not to.

The little things we choose to do or not to do may seem insignificant but nevertheless they are very significant as far as the image we project. If your image and your career is not important and you could care less how you impact others then it matters little.


“With patience and ease, in an unselfish and purposeful way, over a time period undetermined, and for a good that includes others, I intend for $1,000,000 to come to me and to others who join me in holding to this objective.” Jimmie Burroughs

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