• Perception,  Relationships

    Can You Trust Anyone Anymore…?

    Written by Jimmie Burroughs Can you trust the police officer a few doors down? Not always; A story surfaced this week of the arrest of a former police officer who abducted a 6 year old girl in Illinois in 1956, daughter of a nearby neighbor,  klled her, after who knows what he did, and dumped her body in a wooded area where it was not discovered for a couple of years. A discrepancy in his alibi was just uncovered recently and he is now to stand trial. Can you trust your own pastor? Once again the answer is, no not every pastor. My own pastor tried to hit on my…

  • Family

    The Biblical Secret to Building a Stronger Family…

    Written by Jimmie Burroughs None of us are perfect so having a perfect family is out of the question; there will always be challenges and there will always be problems. Nevertheless the home doesn’t have to be just a meeting place to shower and eat and get ready to go somewhere else. It can be a place of serene harmony and peace. I know that that may sound a little overstated to some but it can be true if you know “the Biblical secret to building a stronger family”. The Bible offers great resources for building a stronger family and the thing about it it is free. There are three absolute essentials…

  • Love

    10 Principles of Love

    By Jimmie Burroughs “Love is the many splendor-ed thing” There is no Greater thing in life than to love and to be loved and yet we often miss it because we don’t understnd how it works or what makes it work. Love is not static; it’s nature is to expand and grow. We may dam it up in our life and refuse to let it flow the way it is designed.  Love is the primay ingredient of all relationships; it is a necessary part of all human growth Just as that old song says, Love certainly is the many splendored thing. Love is the very core of all Personal Development without it everything…